Nathan Tetzlaff
Senior Associate BA/LLB (hons)With a reputation for tenacity, expertise, and unwavering commitment to his clients, Nathan Tetzlaff is a formidable force in civil litigation. As a distinguished senior litigation lawyer at Smith and Partners, he provides valued insight to even the most complex legal disputes, and has earned the trust and respect of clients and other lawyers across New Zealand.
Experience in a wide array of areas within civil litigation gives Nathan the benefit of understanding the intricacies of commercial and contract disputes, estate litigation, property and neighbour disputes, and defamation cases. Coupled with his meticulous attention to detail, his comprehensive knowledge allows him to navigate the legal landscape with finesse, providing clients with the strategic advantage necessary to achieve their desired outcomes.
Nathan recognises that disputes are often about more than just the legal issues and takes the time to fully understand the background of each dispute. By recognising that every case is unique, he can focus on obtaining the best outcome for each individual client in their particular situation.
Alternative forms of dispute resolution are often the most appropriate and cost effective forum to settle disputes. Nathan’s experience with out of court negotiations, mediation, arbitration, construction contracts adjudications and Judicial Settlement Conferences enables him to help guide clients to the approach most likely to achieve his client’s objectives.
Court Experience
But, when necessary, Nathan is a formidable advocate in the courtroom. He is calm under pressure and relishes the opportunity to examine the facts and legal issues of a case under a Judge’s careful scrutiny, and test witnesses in cross examination.
Along with his regular appearances in the District Court and High Court, Nathan has also successfully appeared in the Court of Appeal and prepared successful submissions to the Supreme Court. With over 15 years of experience in litigation, Nathan has also appeared for clients at the Employment Court and Employment Relations Authority, the Real Estate Agents Disciplinary Tribunal, and the Tenancy Tribunal.
Nathan in the news
With experience as a webinar presenter for the Law Association, Nathan periodically provides commentary for radio or print media, and has provided his insights as the guest expert for Radio NZ’s segment on neighbourly disputes: https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018890200/everybody-needs-good-neighbours-here-s-how-to-be-one
Outside of work
Outside of work, Nathan enjoys working on his small lifestyle block in West Auckland, and a variety of woodworking and craft projects.
Contact Nathan today to discover how his expertise can tip the scales in your favour.
Contact Nathan
Deborah Sylvester