Our tax lawyers are specialists in taxation for small to medium businesses and high net worth individuals. We can provide you with advice on all income tax planning, property tax issues, tax issues with estates and trusts and any other issues regarding income tax and GST.
Tax law is often a highly technical area where timely and specialist advice can be particularly effective. For example, where your situation conflicts with or is not covered by an existing Inland Revenue interpretation statement we can help you get certainty on your tax situation by applying for a binding ruling which limits Inland Revenue to their ruling on your situation.
As well as providing expert advice on tax planning our dispute resolution team can help smooth out the disputes process by representing you or negotiating for you if you find yourself involved in a dispute with Inland Revenue.
Our tax law specialists can help you with:
- Tax planning
- Legal opinions about tax
- IRD Tax disputes
- IRD Debt Negotiations
- IRD Binding Ruling Applications
- Property tax
- Income Tax
- Trust tax issues
- GST Issues
- Notices of Proposed Adjustment
- Notices of Response