What do I do if there are issues with the building report?

If there are issues in the building report you should discuss these with us straight away. We can help you understand the issues and what possible options you have. Any negotiations must be done through your lawyer with the solicitor for the vendor, they cannot be discussed via the real estate agent or direct with the vendor.

Options if you are unhappy with the building report:

Request that the vendor rectify the issue
The vendor may be able to organise to have…

Request that the vendor reduce the price to reflect the defect
You c

Withdraw your offer  based on an unsatisfactory building report
If you want to withdraw your offer based on an unsatisfactory building report you need to let your lawyer know as soon as possible, but definitely by the day the building report clause is due.

You may have to provide the vendor with a copy of the written report. (Therefore it is important that you have a written report from a suitably qualified builder as per the Agreement for Sale & Purchase)

The written report must contain something that provides a reasonable basis for you to withdraw your offer.