If you are an executor our estates team can help you understand your responsibilities and legal liabilities. We can advise you on tax obligations and estate claim liability and assist you to bring in the assets of the estate, pay the debts of estate, advise on estate tax obligations and when and how to distribute the estate. We can assist with the formal legal processes required, the day to day tasks and then distribute the estate in accordance with the Will or according to the Administration Act.
- Advising executors on role and responsibilities
- Applications for Probate
- Applications for Letters of Administration (Where there is no will)
- Administration documentation
- Bringing in the assets of the estate
- Dealing with Estate Claim Liabilities
- Liaising with banks, investment companies and insurance companies
- Paying estate debts
- Transferring jointly held assets to the survivor(s)
- Filing tax returns for the estate and the deceased person
- Distribution of an estate